
A Path to Wealth

By: Deleted Profile Financial Planning 0 Followers

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Have you ever thought of your path to wealth? Have you thought about your wealth goals and how you plan to obtain them? Do you have a financial vision?

This is the time to review and evaluate to see what your goals are, and how you plan to achieve them this year. The first step is being specific about what you want to achieve. Next, you have to take actions that will line up with your goals. But most importantly you have to start thinking and acting like the wealthy person you want to be. How in the world do you expect to get the wealth you want if you have the same attitude, mentality, and linger in the same negative environment? When I talk about wealth, I’m not just talking about only money. I’m talking about surrounding yourself with like-minded people, having balance and peace, and lacking nothing. The Encarta Dictionary defines wealth as a large amount of money, abundance, assets, and well-being. Therefore, wealth is monetary, physical, emotional, and spiritual. A Path to Wealth can be a holistic experience.


Let’s say you want to bring in $300,000 this year in new business, purchase real estate or be debt free in two years. In order to reach your goal I suggest you ask yourself a few questions:

* Do you believe you are worthy of obtaining wealth?

* Do you need other expertise or resources to make your journey easier?

* Do you have someone to keep you accountable on your path to wealth?

* Do you have fear and anxiety when you think of money?

* Do you have a plan of action for each objective you need to reach?

* Do you have a system in place to meet your goals?

* Are you doing the necessary task and actions to reach your goals?

* Is your plan working for you -- if not, why not?

* What mindset, habits, spending, and saving patterns do you still have that are not supporting your goal?

* How can you think outside the box to create multiple streams of income to reach your goal?

* How much time and energy do you use to focus on the end result instead of potential problems?

Review your path to wealth. Be willing to change your thoughts and actions. If you need help, outside expertise or accountability -- get it! No more excuses. A Path to Wealth can be yours!


Sharman G. Lawson is the author of the e-book 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt Forever!  Sharman is a personal finance coach and business consultant in the care home industry.  Sharman has appeared on television, radio and in print media.  For more information visit:


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