
Do you have a list of clients that are Credit Challenged or have Poor Credit Scores?

By: NCR Credit Plus Credit Repair 1 Follower

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Do you have a list of clients that are Credit Challenged or have Poor Credit Scores?

Do you have new clients that you cannot get them a loan because of their low scores?

Do you have clients that you have to say “sorry we can’t help you”?

NCR Credit Plus will take your potential client’s enroll them into our program. Educated, counsel and get their scores loan worthy for you and your company. Our education information will help your clients get past the fears and doubts he or she has about Credit Restoration.

Every client asks the same kind of questions: “Will this work, how long does it take?”

Credit Restoration is hard work, time consuming, and an ongoing affair. It is against the law to guarantee a time frame it will take to improve or restore anyone’s credit. However, it’s also against the law to not state an “average” time frame that it will take. Our “Average” time frame is 6 months. We have a number of files each month that are completed within 60-120 days, but those results vary.

How much will my score increase?

Your credit score is compiled directly from both positive and negative entries in your credit report.
* If you have open accounts that you are currently paying on, you should not record a late payment.
* If you do not have accounts you are paying on, then we will help you get some credit established.
* Use of 35% or less of your credit line will boost your score’s
* Avoid a “hard inquiry’s” which can bring about a potential score reduction of five points or more.
* Your credit history accounts for 35% of your score

Here’s what we think you’ll particularly appreciate about our program, and what it offers you:

NCR Credit Plus’s allows you to incorporate our services with your existing and new clients.

If you have a web site (Your Web-Master must add link) you can add a link offering our services.

In-depth updates about all account activity and progress made: We provide specific day/dates. Identifying all accounts that are being worked on Ex; To Do / In Progress / Deleted / No Change.

Client score’s can be monitor without creating an inquiry.

Our services not only helped your client’s get approved, but also helps them get “lower interest rates.”

NCR Credit Plus success is illustrated by a client retention and track record that speaks for itself. Please explore our site (, and contact us to receive full details regarding the services offered by NCR Credit Plus, or to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

NCR Credit Plus
15 North Mill Street
Nyack, Ny 10960
866 469 6599


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