
Guide for Students and New Grads

By: Amanda Gleason Education Planning 1 Follower

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4774 Views just released their 2007 College Financing and Career Guide, and there are some articles included that are definitely worth checking out. While I'm pretty sure most of my readers are either done with college or finishing up, rather than just starting, the guide includes some really helpful information regarding finding your first job and living on your own.

I remember when I was a senior in college I was totally baffled as to how to go about finding my first job. I'd had internships during college, but my last one wasn't something that could pan out into a full-time job (the company was too small, I think). It didn't help that I was an English Lit major, because it seemed the kids in the Business School were getting all the career guidance! It was then that my parents sat me down and had a little talk about "networking". Networking is how I found my first job, and how Josh found his as well. I truly believe that your friends and family are your best resources for job hunting when you're just starting out, so I recommend you start there! The article Finding a Job, included in the guide, is a good starting point.

As for living on your own, I would encourage everyone to start planning their flight from the nest as soon as possible. I understand that it's not realistic for people to not move home temporarily, but don't make it permanent! Your first job probably won't pay you much, no, but you can live on your own: find a roommate, a decent place to live, and give your parents a break already! Moving out is the first step to taking control of your financial future. It forces you to understand your financial commitments, pay your bills, and begin to save and live within your means. The On your Own piece will help you make this important step.

If you are going into your Senior year in college, now is the time to start considering all these things. The further out in advance you plan, the better off and less stressed you'll be come graduation.

To find more money saving and budgeting ideas visit Young and Broke.


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