Advisor: Laus Consulting Services LLC

Business: Laus Consulting Services LLC

Location: Orlando, Florida

Address: 879 Outer Road, Ste B

ZIP: 32814

Phone: 4074019768

Knows About: Accounting, Financial Planning, Bookkeeping

Education: High school

Also On:

Gender: Female

Pauline began her career in public accounting with one of the big four CPA firms in Hong Kong. During the past twenty years, she has progressed to senior finance positions to cover financial planning and budgeting, corporate finance, controllership and financial consulting in multiple industries both in Asia Pacific regions and the United States. In 2008, she opened the doors of Laus Consulting Services to the public providing accounting services, tax and business consulting services.

Advisor: Accounting
Pauline began her career in public accounting with one of the big CPA firms in Hong Kong. She has progressed to senior finance positions to cover financial planning and budgeting, and financial consulting in multiple industries both in Asia and USA.