Advisor: Ugen Peden


Occupation: Auto Insurance Agent

Location: Sunnyside, New York

Address: 41-08 49 street

ZIP: 11104

Phone: 3477040999

Knows About: Insurance, Commercial Lending, Insurance

Interested In: Insurance, Commercial Lending, Insurance

Education: College graduate

School: Columbia University

Hobbies: Reading and Travelling

Gender: Male

Date Birth: 07/12/1969

Ugen attended Columbia University where he majored in Philosophy and minored in Art history. He currently holds a real estate license. He is a member of the Westchester chapter of NAIFA and the Financial Planning Association, FPA. In his free time he enjoys reading and spending time with his family. He resides in Westchester with his wife Dechen and his son Jigme qnd daughter Jetse.

Advisor: Financial Advisor
We Specialize in: Estate Planning ,Insurance Planning, Long Term Care,Educational Funding, Executive Planning, buy/sell planning, Disablity.