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Alert! No Extension to December 15 Open Enrollment Deadline

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Insurance Views: 4387 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

Alert! No Extension to December 15 Open Enrollment Deadline Plan selection deadline for Jan 1 coverage start date is fast approaching. Must enroll&make plan selection by 11:59pm Dec 15, 2015 for coverage to be effective on Jan 1, 2016. There will be no extensions to this deadline. More

Get answers to your health benefits challenges!

By: Thomas J. Hartfield Insurance Views: 5877 | Comments: 1 | Votes: 0

Thomas J. Hartfield

At Hartfield Financial&Insurance Services, Inc, we’re focused on giving you access to the information you need to make the right decisions:Health benefits costs. Employee productivity. Compliance. What keeps you up at night? Every small business has its challenges, especially when it comes to health benefits. We’d like to know yours. More

State Farm Cancels Insurance Policy of Investigative Reporter

By: Frugal World Insurance Views: 6290 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Frugal World

Lee van der Voo tells Romenesko readers: I was just informed by State Farm here in Oregon, where I’m an independent investigative journalist that they are dumping my office rental policy because of the kind of journalism I do. I own a house and insure it through State Farm, along with the three cars I’ve owned over the last 12 years. More

How difficult can tenants be to remove?

By: WiseSaver Insurance Views: 6183 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


If you are a landlord, then probably at some point you have had difficult tenants. Perhaps they chose not to pay their rent; maybe they are ones that party all night disturbing your other tenants as well as the neighborhood. On the other hand, maybe they are the kind of tenant who is destructive and damages the property. This can make the process rather long and tedious. More

Buy D&O Directors Officers Coverage

By: Jim Kaz Insurance Views: 4943 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Jim Kaz

The group includes public, private and nonprofit companies. One-quarter of public companies and 14% of private/nonprofit organizations said they increased their D&O limits of liability. More

No Health Insurance? Affordable Medical Coverage Is Available

By: DRuthven Insurance Views: 4241 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


You have no health insurance. Now what? Well…of course, don’t get sick and stay out of the hospital! That might work for a short period of time but you will need a long-term solution to your problem. If you have a major health issue and are uninsurable, then your state may have an “Open Enrollment” option that would be worth investigating. This form of policy is inexpensive. More

In product liability insurance, what is Negligence?

By: Jim Kaz Insurance Views: 4620 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Jim Kaz

In order for you to be found "negligent" in the design, manufacture and/or distribution of your product, the following must occur. - First, it must be shown that you had a "duty owed" to another party. Simply marketing your product to a customer is generally all that is needed to demonstrate that duty. - Second, there must be a breach of that duty. No one expects you to be perfect. More

You Don't Have To Pay An Arm And A Leg For Your Auto Insurance

By: DRuthven Insurance Views: 4238 | Comments: 3 | Votes: 0


If you own a car, you're needed by law to have a car insurance policy. However, car insurance isn't regulated and because of this, you will find many auto insurance carriers that you simply buy car insurance from. You will find two main sources to search for automobile insurance: on-line and in an actual insurance agency. The web is also great because you can get a fast insurance quote. More

Ohio's Best Health Insurane Options

By: DRuthven Insurance Views: 3813 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


The best health insurance in Ohio. What is the best? The lowest cost? The best benefits? The largest health insurer? The quickest to pay claims? Perhaps the answers (that’s right….more than one answer) are a little of everything just mentioned.   There are hundreds of Ohio medical insurance plans available to residents. The concept is simple. Now, that’s simple and easy! More

Health Savings Account (HSA) Information For 2012

By: DRuthven Insurance Views: 4080 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0


The IRS has officially determined the 2012 Health Savings Account (HSA) and High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) maximum contribution amounts. This affects existing HSA account holders and any individual or family that purchases this type of health care in 2012. If used for qualified expenses, your deposits are tax-deductible and continue to accumulate year after year. More