
Ideas for saving money

By: Jose Personal Finance 1 Follower

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How to save money effectively? Explore proven ways to save money.

Are you over 18 and no longer living with your parents? Then there must always be a supply of cash in your account to make you feel safe. Budget management is a valuable skill you must acquire to become an independent and mature person, responsible for yourself and your family. In this article we present proven ways to save for both those who have more money and those who find "mission impossible" to save.

Rounding the total amounts

Banks offer a very similar way to save. Several of them have introduced special savings programs. What exactly is it? In the case of card payment, each amount is rounded to the entirety of the 10 dollars and the difference between the price of the product purchased and a multiple of 10 dollars is transferred to the savings account. However, we often suggest that you check your account balance so you don’t be disappointed when the cashier informs us of the lack of funds in your account when paying for purchases.

Account cleaning

This is the best start on the road to wealth and financial security! Pay and cancel your credit card and debit account. Analyze your phone, TV, Internet, etc. Bills Do you really need an ultra-fast link to browse the web? No unnecessary packages or services on your phone bill? The way you pay your bills is also important. It is better to use online payments (good financial institutions like Billbird also offer convenient mobile payments) and standing orders. You can pay 80 dollars by the means, but it can also fit in 20 dollars.

Plan your home budget

Once a week, plan your meals for the following days, make a shopping list. Food in a given week should be based on similar ingredients, especially if you’re single and don’t use the whole tomato sauce at once. Set aside a certain amount for food at the beginning of the month. Don’t be too optimistic - remember to go out for beer and restaurants, order meals at work or buy cold drinks. You’d better have a few dollars left at the end of the month than if you had to save to buy bread or go out in town with your friends.

Big expenses? Do it with your head

It is worth preceding the big expenses with a detailed investigation. It’s very likely that the more you know, the less you pay. Some products have the same parameters, come from the same factories and only differ logos, which often have to be paid for. Planning your purchases in advance allows you to track in-store promotions and special discounts. A great opportunity to buy electronic equipment is, for example, nightly sales in online stores. Also remember that buyers can buy from their employers at a big discount, up to 50%. If you’re planning to buy a gore-tex face and technical jacket, consider if there’s anyone among your friends who works in a sports store and has such discounts. The conviction that only people who earn a multiple at the lowest national level can afford to save regularly is a convenient myth and excuse. The key to success is the regularity and control of expenses that each of us can afford. 


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