News Release
For Immediate Release Contact: Kerry Freeman, EA
January 22, 2008 (623) 518-2157
Unless you’re a tax professional yourself, you probably need help preparing your return. More
than half of all
use tax preparation software. Both have advantages, but software can come up short in a few
key areas.
Consumer Reports: recently staged a contest of usability and accuracy between the two leading
tax software packages. Employing profiles of four hypothetical families endowed with typical
taxpayer issues, a Consumer Reports Money Adviser staffer entered the information into each of
the software programs and evaluated each for ease of use. An Enrolled Agent evaluated the
accuracy of the resulting tax forms; EAs are federally licensed tax practitioners specializing in tax
planning, preparation, and representation. According to Consumer Reports, “neither [software
product] was perfect when it came to more complicated tax situations.” Even “minor”
imperfections in a tax return could cost you money in missed deductions or unused credits, or
could trigger an audit.
And what happens if you end up being audited? Only an Enrolled Agent, certified public
accountant or attorney can represent a taxpayer before all administrative levels of the IRS for
appeals, audits or collections. Most people feel better if they have a licensed preparer to
represent them. It’s also worth noting that in 2006, tax courts ruled against filers who tried to
blame erroneous returns on the software they used.
“You, the taxpayer, submit your own return, regardless of who prepares it,” advises Kerry Freeman,
EA, Vice President of the
complete, and correct is ultimately your responsibility.” Mr. Freeman adds that in many cases,
it’s impossible to prepare a tax return so that it’s completely and unambiguously “correct.”
“Some financial magazines have had a contest every year among professional preparers to see
how many get a sample return right,” she says. “Then their headlines blast professionals: ‘24 out
of 25 tax professionals will make a mistake on your return!’ The point is, of course, that the
editors have picked a different set of ‘correct’ interpretations from the professionals, and the
professionals from each other. And the artificial data they supply ignores the issues of the
ambiguity of both some tax law and real-life clients’ data. That is why good tax pros and their
clients work together to choose the best and most accurate tax return for that particular client,
something tax software can’t do. If return preparation were unambiguous, no skill would be
needed to do one.”
If you need assistance finding a licensed tax preparer in your area, in
For more information about Enrolled Agents visit the www.IRS.GOV or call Mr. Freeman at Freeman
Income Tax Service at 623-518-2157