
Why Do You Need A Buyers Agent in Southeastern Wisconsin ?

By: Sally K. Hanson Real Estate 1 Follower

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    We recently had a conversation with a FSBO.....or make that a "Would Be" FSBO that we rescued by supplying a buyer...he had already bought a house and was coming close to having double mortgage payments. He understood that realtors in Wisconsin were "agents of the seller."puzzled face

"Why would anyone want or need a Buyer's Agent  ?"  Both my husband and  I have our ABR (national buyer's representative designation) and felt qualified to answer the question. 

  • Contrary to rumors that circulate around the market, buyers agents are usually available at no charge to the buyer. I say "usually" because I have heard of agents who charge,....and buyers who pay needlessly.
  •  Without a buyer agency contract, an agent in Wisconsin is working for the seller.
  • A buyer's agent works toward getting the best price for the buyer.  This does not mean a ridiculoius price , in working for the buyer....the agent has the buyer's best interest at heart and wants the transaction to go together for the buyer with the best price/conditons possible. An experienced agent knows that there is more to a good offer than a good price !
  • A Buyer's Agent can approach a "For Sale by Owner"  (Fizzbo to realtors)and negotiate the sale for buyers. (Buyers...if you see a home for sale by owner that you would like to see, your not enter on your own.
  • A buyers agent holds the buyers financial situation and motives and provide whatever kinds of professional services are needed.
  • A buyers agent can, and in our opinion, should, prepare a market analysis for a property so that a proper price can be determined. A buyers agent is not for the purpose of always sayng that the list price is too is to determine a fair price for the buyer and negotiate the price and other conditions on the buyer's behalf to have the transaction come to a successful closing.
  • A Buyer's Agent  is especially helpful after an inspection when there may be need to negotiate the repair or replacement of items found by the state licensed inspector.

         Some of the best things in life really ARE free....or in this case, at no extra charge since these services are included in the commisson.

   If you are buying a home in Wisconsin, call the Hansons, let a trained and certified Buyer's Agent guide you through making large, important financial'll be glad you did.  



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