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Home Equity Line of Credit

By: Art Of Saving Home Loans Views: 2144 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

A home equity line of credit means a homeowner can use his home as collateral for a loan. In other words, your home can be a source of credit to pay for education, purchase of a car, retirement plans or improvement of home. The bank or the institution will provide you the detailed information as to how you can make use of HELOC. Interest rates are subject to change now and then. More

How To Get A Commercial Mortgage Today

By: Art Of Saving Home Loans Views: 2176 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

A loan in which real estate is used as collateral - a guarantee that the loan will be repaid and on time - is usually called a commercial mortgage. While it is much like a residential mortgage, the difference is simply that the collateral and the building purchased with the mortgage is used for commercial rather than residential purposes. More

Mortgages - Pay What You Can Afford

By: Art Of Saving Home Loans Views: 2269 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

A lot of people find the idea of dealing with all of the problems attached to buying a home very daunting. This is important but there are also many other things that you need to take into account. This is probably not the best way to go about it. A far better approach would be to sit down with a calculator and figure out exactly what you can afford to spend. More

What to Know Before You Close

By: Art Of Saving Estate Planning Views: 3350 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

You've done your shopping, found a beautiful, functional home close to everything you need, and your offer has just been accepted. Before you close the deal, here are a few things to consider.Unlike renting in which you pay in advance for the upcoming month, a mortgage is paid "in arrears". Say, for example, you close a sale on June 29th. More

Sentimental Value Vs Market Value? Knowing The Difference Sells Homes

By: Art Of Saving Real Estate Views: 2307 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

When selling your home today and in this market it is critical to price your home properly for a successful sale. Gone are the days when you could list your home at the top of the market, selling your home above what you listed at with multiple offers. When pricing your home for sale, this is not the time to "test" the market. It gives you something concrete to show your buyer. More

Exchange Traded Funds

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 3937 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a group of passive index funds that trade on an exchange like an individual stock. At the time of writing there are 162 ETFs with $220 billion in assets under management trading on U.S. New niche funds are being created regularly. Check out, Yahoo! Finance’s ETF Center, ETFConnect, or Mark inks The Market Speculator newsletter. More

Compelling Reasons to Rollover Your Company Plan Money to an IRA

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 3095 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

1) The best case for an IRA rollover is the ability to keep the money growing tax-deferred for your beneficiaries. Many company retirement plans do not allow this strectch option even though the IRA rules permit it. So instead, your former company plan could pay your beneficiaries the entire dollar amount of your account in one year or five years at best. More

How a Charitable Remainder Trust Avoids Capital Gains

By: Art Of Saving Estate Planning Views: 3435 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

Do you own a highly appreciated asset that produces little or no income? Are you selling your business? Are you highly compensated and looking to shelter more of your income? Here is an example that applies to anyone contemplating selling a highly appreciated asset.In the Path of ProgressClarence and Mildred had a farm that has been in the family since 1930. Mary is frugal. More

Don't Overlook Alternative Assets in Retirement Investment Planning

By: Art Of Saving Investments Views: 2739 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

If you are interested in purchasing real estate, private stock or a private note for investment purposes, but don't think you have enough cash on hand consider the following. Rolling current retirement funds from an existing IRA for 401(k) account into a Self-Directed IRA to do this type of investing is penalty-free. The asking price is $400,000 but he only has $200,000 in his IRA. More

Baby Life Insurance

By: Art Of Saving Insurance Views: 1947 | Comments: 0 | Votes: 0

Art Of Saving

The birth of a child can change a parent’s perspective on many things—work, family, career, and even small things like vacations, holidays, hobbies. Priorities can shift. Aspirations can morph into something new and unexpected. Even time can take on new dimensions. Suddenly it becomes easier to visualize the future. Like a child, quality investments need time to grow and mature. More