Which life insurance policy should you buy? You will at some time in your life come to the conclusion that you need to buy some life insurance. You have a pretty good idea how much you need but deciding which life insurance policy is best for your particular need is another question. There are many to choose from. Some are small and cozy and seem to just ooze family. More
Accidents and hazards are part of our day to day life, and they are sometimes related to our occupation as well. You may suffer from an accident while performing your job. Such accident may result in your untimely loss of life, or temporary or permanent disability. While most hazards can be foreseen, accidents occur without warning. More
There are many issues to consider when insuring a recreational boat. Many people view boating as a fun sport and don't consider there to be enough risks associated with boating to make insuring the boat very important.First of all, do you need to be reminded that we live in a litigious world? Wherever you go, accidents can happen and boating is certainly no exception. S. S. More
Rent versus Buying in this market:
Nearly a full third of households are still renting...but if you are one of them, you could be paying a hefty price. Is there a "bubble"? The simple answer is "no". Even if interest rates move a bit higher, it won't be enough to cause a nationwide slide in home prices. The key to a healthy housing market is the job market. But is it too late? More
A home equity line of credit means a homeowner can use his home as collateral for a loan. In other words, your home can be a source of credit to pay for education, purchase of a car, retirement plans or improvement of home. The bank or the institution will provide you the detailed information as to how you can make use of HELOC. Interest rates are subject to change now and then. More
It is very important to get a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus at least once a year to check for any errors. Errors on credit reports are common, but can usually be corrected fairly easily without seeking outside help. Make sure you keep a copy for your records. Agencies are required by law to respond to your inquiry within 30 days. Address. More